Year of the bug

What a year it has been. Since our first production date in February of 2023, we have completed ten separate shoots in the Bay Area. The film has collected a growing group of artists eager to wrap production and deliver a memorable film to a theater near you. Here are some highlights.

We kicked off our first production with cast in April. Enthusiastic friends and family joined as extras and lent a hand with food, wardrobe, and set design. We removed student projects from the Francophone Charter School hallway and replaced it with posters and documents from the Department of Human Metamorphosis.

For more details from that day, check out the blog post here.

Our longest production was a three-day weekend in June in South San Francisco. We transformed cubicles into work spaces for our DHM employees. Douglas’s first bug creature was featured and SFX artists provided oozing blood for a tormented woman. We are grateful for the many hands and bodies that kept the office thriving! Check out more behind the scenes here.

One of the most memorable shoots was on Labor Day weekend after a long summer break. Walter Welsh and Bella Luna were onsite to help Douglas transform Jackson into the bug creature. Greg’s room was constructed in a garage and filled with carefully curated art and toys designed by Douglas and Kyle. See more from that day here.

Our next production is in two weeks. As a wrap on filming draws near, the feeling is bittersweet.

Up ahead, we plan to screen the film in small batches in preparation for a larger audience and festivals! It is going to be an exciting year and we are grateful you are here.


our weekend in modesto


that fall feeling