About the film

Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is a short film directed by Douglas Park and a band of creative filmmakers.

Set in a period of classic American nostalgia, Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is a story of a family struggling through inevitable transformations presented by an unsympathetic universe.

It starts with the innocent act of young artist Greg, who ignores a warning sign placed by the mysterious Department of Human Metamorphosis.

Once set in motion, Greg’s inexplicable and alarming change into a bug is unstoppable. The family learns to adapt and in some cases, transform.

In 1915, Franz Kafka initiated a conversation on the meaning of human existence within a constructed societal structure. With this film, we hope to engage in that conversation. 

As human beings, what is our role within the tiny space we occupy in the epic span of evolution? How do we fit inside societal norms and structures that seem erected only to thwart the human spirit and our natural instincts at every turn?